It's green, but the undersides of the broadest leaves are purple. It seems to be growing well but the leaves are curling quite a bit and I'm not sure if that's normal...
it's in the tradescantia family...wandering jews and spiderworts. this one looks like one of the wandering jews that is viney. looks more scraggly than it should though. what kind of soil do you have it in? does the container have drainage holes? how frequently and how much are you watering? how much sun is it getting?
I just put it in generic potting soil in a container that does have drainage holes. It was hanging in a corner and I recently moved it into a high-sunlight area and it seems to be doing better. I don'
needs a bit more frequent watering than that. is that a 6 inch container? should be watered weekly, maybe at 10 days if the top inch is still pretty moist at 7. they do like a good bit of light (most varieties, anyhoo). so, moving it to the window was a good idea. if you start watering it a little more frequently, it should really perk up.
It looks like a purple heart wandering jew .. and it needs the sun or it will get scragly like that .. you should see a big change soon .. they grow very well and easy .. Marion