I had a question about lawn grass. We were planning to plant big shade trees (Cassia Fistula, Tamarind,Neem) in the centre of garden for shade and cooling. Currently this area is only covered by lawn. One of the gardeneres mentioned that lawn does not grow well under tree shade. I wanted to know if this is true ? and if yes is there any lawn grass that can survive in tree shade. The shade is important because we have very hot summers (tropical climate).
Your gardener is correct. Lawn grasses will survive (stay alive) but not grow well (will not look nice!) in heavy shade. It is also best not to keep lawn under the trees though, as mowing may damage the tree's surface roots, and also the tree's bark, if the mower hits the tree accidentally. Better to have some other shade-loving plants under the trees.
Plant your trees in a circle of bare soil then underplant with shade-loving plants. You can sit in the shade which is cast by the morning or afternoon sun as only permanent shade affects your grass. Malcolm