My 30-year-old Jade Tree has what appears to be scale, brown, scrapable spots which have appeared out of nowhere on the fleshy part of the leaves (front side only) but not on the stems. In my readings, I have seen no discussion of scale afflicting Jade Plants. Is this unusual? Can anyone help with a solution? I don't want to lose my beloved tree.
Hi Skihomme, The bad news is that scale can attack jade plants. :( I did a search at with: jade plant + scale and found many sites. From this site with lots of useful info: "... leaf shiners or oils should never be applied to jade plants. The principal pests of jade plants are mealybug, red spider mite, scale, thrips, and occasionally, aphids. Some succulents are sensitive to certain insecticides. Before you embark on a spray program be sure the product you use is labeled for jade plants." Here's the recommendation from this site on how to treat. "If the scale is on the leaves, pick the leaves off and throw them away (even if this means denuding the plant). If the scale is on the stems, try suffocating the scale w/rubbing alcohol. Dip a cotton swab in the alcohol and apply to the scale, holding it there for thirty seconds (that oughta do it). Make sure the plant is away from vents, drafts, central heating, etc. and keep it consistently watered (waiting each time until the surface soil is dry)." Best of luck, Newt
Yes, jade trees can get scale. I, too, once had a very treasured jade tree that was about 25 years old. It was a beautiful specimen. I loved that plant. I tried everything to get rid of the scale including several types of cures that I had discovered from the Internet to purchased products such as Bonide. Scale is systemic and after two years of trying everything possible to get rid of the culprit, I gave up. I quietly surrended 26 plants before I was rid of scale in my home. Scale needs to be taken seriously once it is discovered. I have noticed it in a local chain store too! Take it serious before it takes a toll!