I just found this fungus growing in my garden and don't know whether it is something that needs to be removed, or if it is beneficial. I live in the Tidewater Region of Virginia. Any assistance will be appreciated! Thanks!
Thank you for responding, but I have absolutely no knowledge of fungi and am trying to ascertain whether these are harmful in my garden and should be removed, or if they are completely benign and should be left alone. Will they multiply and take over my garden? Are they harmful to pets? I am a total neophyte when it comes to these things and would like to do whatever is necessary to protect my garden and animals. A more complete answer (in plain English please) would be so helpful.
They are harmless and can be left alone. They break down decaying materials to free up nutrients for use by your plants.
Something that is fun with these? If you're brave........lol..........Bend low to them and lightly breath INTO the cups! Make sure u back up right afterward...but you may get lucky to watch them spore! http://www.redbubble.com/people/sauriamami/art/2929638-2-one-puff-of-breath I had my son sit back with me so I could get that photo...sometimes you'll see these cups all over...other times you'll only see a small bunch. Kinda fun to find when you do though. I've never heard of animals eating them...and most kids would avoid something that's brown growing on wood. So dont panic...and like others said...it really IS good for you're garden!