Hi all I found this caterpillar one fine moring in my backyard few details are as follows Location: country : India state: Karnataka city: bangalore Time:7.30 am approximatly length - 4 inches very stout body light green body V-shaped markings that appear to be parlell to each other 2 small horn/ antennae like protrutions at the anteririor end 4 traingular flaps at the posterior end curls up into a C-shap when disturbed NOTE:- little bit of sharpening the caterpillar's image done using photoshop just to accentuate the features
Looks like something in the Sphingidae or Saturniidae - have you browsed through the butterfly / moths section of BugGuide?
I was unsucessful locating this in bugguide.I have registed there and shall be posting the same query there too.. thnks for the information Mr.Daniel.
I understnad that its not humanly possible to rember the details of an insect and identify it at a glance.. I shall be greatful.. if u could atleast pass on some sites where i could post this to readh a wider audince...thnks
It is easy to identifythe caterpillars, if thr host plants on which they feed are identified. On which plant did you see it? Was it Tagar (Tabenaemontana)? If so, it may be of Hawk moth caterpillar.
I thought I saw similar caterpillar on Tagar, but it was a Gardenia plant. I had the Photo of it with me. The caterpillar normally eats flower buds & growing tips of Gardenia. It, I beleive, is of Hawk moth. See the attached photo.
i just saw a photo that looks like the caterpillar you showed us, at www.silkmoths.bizland.com/atitan.htm .. you could check it out and see what you think .. or, maybe you have already found out ..