I have a houseplant that has a woody stalk and triangular leaves on delicate branches. Although it is about 10 years old, it has never gotten more than 3' tall. The leaves are very distinctive, narrow at the base and wide at the end, dark green, leathery and shiny, about 2" each edge. They are similar to those on a gingko tree, but they are not fringed. I expect it is some type of ginko. I need to identify it to find out if it is poisonous, as my cat keeps trying to eat it. And besides, I'd really like to know what it is! Thanks for your help.
Can't you post either a picture, or a drawing? Some of us are really bad at imagining what you're perceiving :-)!
I agree with Rima. I have tried to build up a visual image of what you are describing, but have drawn a blank. Pictures would be extremely useful. I doubt it is Gingko - those trees are unlikely to survive 10 years as an indoor plant without the benefit of at least a few hours of direct sunlight. (You didn't say how much light it gets.)
Wow, I think it might be ficus triangularis! Thanks, Nandan Kalbag! Mine is somewhat more sparse and fragile than the one in that picture. I don't have a digital camera, but I've scanned in a bit from the end of one of the slender branches. Is that it? Mine is by a south-facing window, but the tall tree outside blocks a lot of the direct light. Maybe that's why it's not so dense? Thanks everyone for your help. ~Lucie
Definitely looks like a ginkgo without fringes, unlike radermachera. But posted descriptions of mystery plants can often produce an impression that doesn't quite seem to fit what plant eventually turns out to be.