Think it could be some type of Psilocybe. sorry if this is the wrong thread but this mushroom has been poppin up all around our property and im worried my cats will eat it if its poisonous! heres 3 links to see them. ANY help is appreciated!!! (last one isnt clear, but theres 2 obvious shrooms you can see)
I think you'll want to get photos with a closer/sharper focus: Can't see any identifying characters in the first and last, and very little in the second photo. Second photo looks a bit like a Marasmius oreades, but I really can't tell. If you want to pursue identifying these, reading the Tools for Identifying post at the top of the forum might be useful. And/or, if you have a mushroom club in your area, you could bring some specimens to them. cheers, frog
If there is a fine, whitish band on the gill-edge, they have a seperable gelatinous pellicle, turn blue when bruised, and the spore print is purblish brown to black (that is, if you put a cap on white paper, leave it for an hour and then look underneath it and see what color the spores that fell from it are), then they're probably from the psilocybe genus. Cheers.