I have a small dworf apple that is about 4ft high with light green apples and produces about 10-15 pounds per year. They are very sweet and juicy with a light white inside. Not sour but sweet I am starting to eat them now. pics available ,still working on it thanks.....
the apple pics i forgot,lol Here's the pics i never added to my originall messege, I hope you recognize The apple/??
Take some several apples to a local nursery if you don't find out here. You might also check gardening newspapers and garden events columns in daily newspapers to see if there is going to be a fruit enthusiast show near you this month or next. At the one down my way you can take in fruits and get experienced opinions on what cultivar they might be.
granny Smith? These fruits look a lot like my (very) antique "said to be" Granny Smith. Are they hard as in crisp with a bit of tart? Mine arent ready for another month, but my kids are already eating them. By the way, my expertise rating would have to be 1 or 2 out of ten. We are in a similar climate on Denman Island.
Yes, the UBC Apple Festival will have experts on hand to identify apple varieties. Bring samples of fruit and a small branch with leaves if you can. Apple Fest takes place on October 16 and 17 this year.
Did you get an answer? I have a small but quite profilc apple tree in Calgary which bears a small green apple fruit (as it ripens it turns green/yellow). If not picked from the tree or left too long and subject to frost it is soft and mushy (not nice), however if picked it is crisp and delicious (borderline tart/sweet). The apples need to be kept cool or they go soft. Do you know the name of the tree?
C. Bailey, yours sounds like a Yellow Transparent. It actually keeps firm for a few weeks in the refrigerator if picked early (summer/ July here; probably later in Calgary.) It has a fairly smooth skin and is not extremely sweet, so I do not think that is what Greenthumb has; perhaps his is a Golden Delicious.
Thank you for the reply, I was beginning to think that living in Alberta that I was not in the loop...... I thought that I have a dwarf Bramley's Seedling: Parentage / Origin: Propagated from a notable seedling; c. 1809 Nottinghamshire, England Harvest / Season: Harvest: early October, Season: October - Mar Description: Fruit large, greenish-yellow with broad broken brown and red stripes. Flesh firm, juicy and sharply acid, high in vitamin C. Tree Characteristics: Scab and mildew resistant. Tree large, vigorous and spreading, tolerates some shade. Heavy and regular bearer. Triploid Regards Chris Bailey
Howdy Chris, Your best bet of having your apple identified is to come to the Fruit show held each year at the Devonian Botanic Garden near Edmonton. You are too late for this year. The show is normally held around Mid-September. Howdy Biggam, It is not likely to be Yellow Transparent as this variety does not grow in Calgary. Even in Edmonton, it suffers winterkill. There are very few green or light green apples that will grow in Alberta. Peace Thean