Callery pear living or dying?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by glued2it, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. glued2it

    glued2it Member

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    Tulsa OK
    I had a Callery pear growing behind my fence.
    I wanted to move it into the yard because it was a nice looking tree and I was trying to clear out the area.

    There wasn't much space to dig around this 12ft tree and was unable to get a good rootball. So I ended up with a bare root tree but seemed to still have a lot of them.

    I planted it anyway about a month ago and it went down hill fast!
    Most of the leaves wilted and turned brown. I figured for sure it was dying.

    Then the leaves that were still green stopped turning brown. So it seemed.
    Now it seems to be just dying at a really slow pace. Yet there are still partialy green leaves.

    So far there is no sign of recovery.

    Is there a possibility that this tree still might make it?
  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Sounds dead - a real blessing in disguise. Best remove it, and replant with something else better. Callery Pear is not a good garden tree, short-lived, very prone to shed large branches, and invasive producing abundant nuisance thorny seedlings. Oh, and the flowers stink of a mix of vomit and rotten fish.

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