I've been digging around this site trying to find any information on Calla Lilly Seeds - this is the only site with anything useful on it that I have been able to find so far and I am so happy for that!! I was waiting for my seeds to dry out on the stems, but unfortunatly, a rabbit got to them and they became dinner - there were some left, so I took them off and brought them inside. Now I am worried that they will not be viable to plant - what color should the calla seeds be? I don't want to plant them too early. I have the pods that are left on a paper towel in my upstairs bathroom (that is rarely used) hoping that it is cool and dry and they will dry out - but they look like they are just shriveling up and I don't want them to die either! I need help! Does anyone have any advice for me? I would appreciate it! Thanks! Megan
I'd remove the seeds from the pods, wash them thoroughly with a bit of detergent added to the water, then dry them on a paper towel. The seeds usually have a sticky greenish coat, but should be off-white when this has been removed and they are dried. You can plant them immediately or use the "Deno" method. They should germinate readily. Zantedeschia aethopica germinated 22% in 17days; 100% in 24 days. Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Green Goddess' germinated 23% in 28 days; 41% in 38 days. Zantedeschia albomaculata germinated 17% in ?? days. Zantedeschia rehmanii germinated 100% in 12 days. Zantedeschia elliottiana germinated 27% in 20 days; 47% in 23 days; 74% in 24 days; 81% in 25days; 100% in 51 days These data all taken using the Deno method. That should give you some idea of what to expect. Ray