Re: the pin oak tree I have another question about the pin oak. Maybe I should start another thread? But anyway..I planted one about 2 years ago and its growing quite well so far, but I noticed that the pin oak street trees around town are being attacked by the oak gall wasp and their leaves turned all spotty brown- this wasp is I think from California and mostly attacks the garry oaks (it's really hard on the small ones) I'm wondering how likely it is that the pin oak will be attacked by these insects, and what is the usual treatment..I don't want to use a insecticide but will use dormant oil spray if that is effective..or would BT work? Any ideas?
Re: the pin oak tree Yes, best to start another thread, perhaps in the forum dealing with pests and diseases.
Re: the pin oak tree Hi Ngawangchodron, Oak leaf galls are harmless to the tree, just a bit weird looking and unsightly. Newt
Re: the pin oak tree Oops, I should have remembered to use the correct botanical name! I was actually talking about the damage from the California oak gall wasp (Andricus californicus), which is moving north into BC - possibly its migration is being speeded up by global warming, some people think..anyway its quite debilitating, especially to the young Quercus garryana trees. So I'm still wondering about how to deal with this pest in a non-toxic way. Thanks
Once again I am asking about the oak trees, this time, hopefully, with the correct information..which is that the pest attacking the oak trees on Southern Vancouver Island is the Jumping gall wasp (Neuroterus saltarius) and there is also something else attacking them called Oakleaf phylloxeran. Anyone know of anything to deal with the above pests??
Ngawangchodron, you will find the management options (few to none) here. Newt