I have a 8 foot calif. lilac that does not look well, lots of dead foliage. I don't know much about how to revive this plant. Was it cold winter damage? Should it be cut back? If so, when is the best time? 'Thanks
Unlikely to be normal cold damage, as lilacs are very hardy. They are however susceptible to the bacterial disease Pseudomonas syringae which can induce cold damage in infected tissues*, that's a possibility. Can you post a photo? * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudomonas_syringae
Thanks for the wiki reference, Michael. Interesting function of that little infectious organism - I've attached 2 photos and would appreciate your further comments. Thot I would see what happens during the next few weeks while I do my research. Suggestions, comments welcome, PHOTO attached - blue bits showing are not blooms, just fence/car showing thru the branches!
That's a Ceanothus, which is a buckthorn relative (Rhamnaceae), not a lilac (Syringa, Oleaceae). Best not to call things what they aren't, if you want useful information! As to the Ceanothus, that could well be cold damage then, but it hasn't been killed, so it should recover. I'd wait a month or two before pruning out what is dead, as some branches apparently dead may yet put out new shoots part way up them.