Does anyone have any idea what tropical houseplant this is. I have recently rescued it from a local corner store type nursery. Any hints or names would be appreciated. It seems to really love water and is susceptible to scale/mealybug. Thank for your help in advance. Krista
I have owned other "moses-in-a-boat" plants before and this is not the same. The leaves range from short 2 inches to grow to as long as 10 inches. Thank you for your reply though. I will keep looking. Krista
Yes, I would agree it's not Tradescantia spathacea but also can't believe it's any member of the Calathea family, Marantaceae, as these all have very distinct leaf-stalks. It does look more like family Commelinaceae (to which Tradescantia belongs), but I don't recognise it. Closest in style of leaf seem to be some Cochliostema species.