I've had a calamondin since September, when I got it there was tons of little green oranges, which have since ripened. It had a phase where the leaves were falling off, the greenhouse told me I was either over or under watering... the leaf drop has since stopped, but the leaves just don't look healthy, they are light green and patchy with yellow around the outside. Please help!
My guess would be early nitrogen deficiency due to the overall yellowing of the leaves. Is the plant fertilized regularly? A fertilizer containing micronutrients with an NPK ratio of 5-1-3 is recommended for containerized citrus.
i have an all purpose 20-20-20 fertilizer with micronutrients. would that be ok? also how often should I be fertilizing and should it be diluted at this time of year?
20-20-20 would be better than none at all but I would opt for a fertilizer closer to the 5-1-3 ratio if possible. Follow the recommended rate of application on the label. Personally I fertilize twice monthly at half-dilution, with a reduction to once a month over winter. As always, note how the plant responds and adjust accordingly.
Thank you so much! I did some research, and it seems like the appearance is matching a nitrogen deficiency. Should I fertilize it more often until it looks better or just wait it out? Should I give it some sort of nitrogen boost in the mean time?
I would just fertilize as per instructions on label or more frequently but at a proportionately diluted concentration.