What can a guy do with this Monster? Can I cut the new growth off and plant it,,or just leave it alone? Its kind-of Out of Hand!! THANK YOU!
Needed a bigger pot a long time ago. Individual pads can be removed to start smaller, replacement plant(s) if desired. Should also be able to cut back existing specimen and start it over from a much smaller size. I would do this in conjuction with also giving it a bigger pot. Prune at joints, between pads instead of cutting through pads.
I second that. And remove the thin, cylindrical shoots, they are etioliated which is the result of growing in poor conditions (especially low light). If it was my plant I would restart it from a cutting. Most Opuntia grow upwards, but yours is ... different, perhaps because of the weaker, etioliated growth that can be seen among the older parts as well. Has it been grown indoors for a long time?