I had 2 cactus in the same pot. 1 of them is healthy, but the other is rotting from the root up it crept up about 4 to 5 inches. It wasn't even able to pull water out of the soil. So I decide to remove it from the pot and i cut the rot off and replanted it in new soil about 3 inches deep. Will it form a new root system? Is that what i should have done? Should i be worried about the other cactus in the original pot? I dont want to lose my cactus please help!
Pulling out the rotting cactus was a good idea. Usually you let the cut surface dry for a few days, forming a callus, which is where new roots will grow from. It might be a good idea to repot the other cactus, as the 'soil' may not be well draining, which could cause rot problems. Either that or you water too frequently. Also, a smaller pot will allow the cactus to dry out nicely between waterings. Do some research about the type of soil mixes that work well for cactus in your area, or buy some already mixed up at the local garden centre. Hope this helps.