I was given this cactus as a present and have no idea what it is. Any help identifying it would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone has experience with this cactus, could you give tips on caring for it? One last thing, what are the fuzzy, light-grey and brown balls protruding from the top of the cactus? The cactus has a diameter of about 3.5 inches and a height of about 2.5 inches.
Definitely not an Echinocactus. Its a Parodia formerly in the genus Notocactus. Those fuzzy balls are the flower buds. It should have bloomed by now.
Thanks Cereusly, it has bloomed. The two flowers were beautiful and bright yellow. After they bloomed, however, the cactus started to look really dry and some of the bumps on the top began to implode, like they were emptied. Any advice on what it needs?
The blooms should have been bright yellow with a red center and purple stigmas. Can't say what is wrong with your plant. You did not say what you did or didn't do. When was the last time you watered it? Hope you didn't put it in full sun and get it sunburned.
did you happen to take a pic of the flowers?? that would really be needed to make a correct id. have you over-watered it at all? that would answer for the 'implosion'.
You should be watering it thoroughly once a week. Actually most of the Notocactus-type Parodia have pretty much the same looking flowers. A few have pink to purple rather than the typical yellow color.