Can anyone help me with the ID of this barrel cactus? I've had it for years....lots of years but don't know who she/he is
Echinocactus, but which one? similar to least this will put you in the right family of Cacti. Cheers.
Well whatever it is, you sure are doing a great job for it to have so many offsets and to be blooming so fully. Well done!
Could be Ferocactus but their growth habit is solitary...but I guess they could, on occasion, pup out....
A once solitary plant with a damaged growing tip, maybe? But there are close relatives to F. schwarzii that often cluster, echidne and glaucescens for example.
Ferocactus glaucescens seems like it could be a match.
F. glaucescens should have a bluish wax coating, and the plant in the photos do no seem to have it. I believe the layer can be washed off, but it should be visible close to the apex.