Hey there everyone. I'm interested if anyone would like to share pictures of their plant collections. My main interest right now is cacti. Other succulents too. I'd love to know what succulents anyone is interested in. Gosh, I wish I could focus on just one genus. Maybe Turbinicarpus would be my favorite right now. Just need to get some now. What about everyone else?
I would love to have a big sandbox to plant many different cacti. I live on the other side of lake MI in MI so I can't do that. I wish I could have a room that I could do it in my house but no room! I've thought a lot about it and have come up with ideas in my head. Right now I have 2 cacti and about 4 succulants. (Too many other kinds of plants to mention) I had 2 unique crassulas and a euphorbia but they died. I want more but I don't have anymore bright sunny places to put anymore plants!
I know how you feel about not having enough space. Have you considered artificial lighting in the winter?
I have thought about it. We don't get much sun in the winter here. About 6 years ago my neighbor gave a cactus that she found at garage sale. It has never has stood uprightl. As you can see in the the picture it is long. The difference in color on it is all new growth since I've had it. I would like to get it to stand upright. I am assuming that is how it is supposed to be. Is there anything I can do? I've heard that you can cut off the tip and regrow it but I am not sure about that or how to do it. Also I am wondering what type of cactus it is or if it is a cactus at all. Could it be a euphorbia?
Hey lady, Looks like you weren't able to get the picture attached. I'd like to help you identify it and then figure out what is the best thing for it. Here's how you get it done in case you were missing something: Click Manage Attachments Click Choose File Choose your Photo and open it Click Upload to the right of this area Post your reply I am not sure if specific files will not upload, or if you have to post your reply before you close the manage attachments window. If you've done all of those things, I'm not sure what could be wrong. But we can figure it out.
Hm. I hate to be a bother, but would you be able to get a more clear picture? One that specifically had spines close and very clear in it would be helpful. It looks like it could be etiolated. But I don't know, some plants do elongate like that naturally. If I could see the spines, it would make it much easier to determine if it is a cactus or succulent and from there, what genus and species it is. Just to be honest right now, I think the plant looks great. Until we figure out what it is, I would say leave it be. Maybe if we figure out that the plant is badly etiolated, I'd advise doing a top cutting. But the thing with that is that you'd have to find a place that gives off more light, you know? Otherwise, the plant would continue to grow like such, you'd just have a smaller plant that would continue to stretch. Has this plant ever flowered? If it has, that'd be a very helpful aspect of finding out what the plant is.
Here are some better photos. When was taking these pictures I noticed that the on the new growth area it is starting to get some blotches on it like the other part of it. What is it? Should I be concerned? I appreciate your help. Thanks.
A Mammillaria in desperate need of more light. I don't know what the brown spots are, could be caused by heat or insects or something else. Cacti in bad condition are often more susceptible to damage than healthy specimens. Here are about 1/3 of mine during their winter rest. Some of them are a bit elongated, much because I had to move to a place with less light a few years ago. I'll try to do something about that soon, it is getting really annoying.
Wow that is quite a collection. I am jealous. I am going to have to move mine to get more light. I don't really have a good spot for but I will figure something out. All of my other plants are taking up my sunny spots! I have it in a in a window that does not get much sun. I did some research and from what I read they grow upright and as you can see mine is not. It was given to me that way. I am guessing it is too late to get it to grow upright. Also I put a picture of my other cactus. I am embarrassed at it's poor shape. I think that it would be the same as my other cactus a Mammillaria. I am going to have give them some better attention. Are you able to get your cacti flower?
The pictures are a bit fuzzy (I think you held the camera too close since the objects in the background are in focus), but it is definitely not a Mammillaria, their bodies do not have ribs. Could be a Parodia from the Eriocactus group, like leninghausii, schumanniana or something similar. The spines on your plant look quite short, though. Yes, that is why I grow them. Small-growing cacti that produce pretty flowers reasonably well are my favourites.
Thanks. I looked up pictures and it does appear to look like a parodia leninghausii. I've moved it to a spot that gets more light. I am not sure if will be enough but it is more than it was getting before. I moved my other cactus as well.
Hey, Thanks for jumping in Mandarin! Lady, trust everything Mandarin says, he knows his stuff! I do believe that the second cactus is a Parodia leninghausii. Lady, Do you think that your other plants would be able to take less light? I always think that cacti deserve sunlight first before my other houseplants because their etiolation is so distasteful. It isn't fun to come back from. Lady, since your Mammillaria has a root system that might be able to pump energy to the top of the plant, I'd get the plant into as much sun as you can and allow it to get more normal growth. When it looks healthy and large enough, cut this part off in hopes of a fresh start. I did this with one of my plants that kept becoming etiolated. It's a long commitment, but it's best in the long run. If Mandarin has any concerns with this plan, I'd listen to his side as well! But I don't believe there should be anything wrong with this. Madarin, I'm glad to finally see part of your collection! The Rebutia flower is very beautiful.
Yes I will listen to what Mandarin says. I will also follow your advice. There has not been any sun since I moved my cacti to see how much light they will get. I recently moved and I don't have as many windows with bright light. If I had the money and the space I would love to have a greenhouse. I will see how the Mammillaria does with some better light and some TLC before I do anything. If Mandarin gets all or most of his cacti to flower it must be so pretty. I would love for mine to do that. I will work on getting them better then I can focus on getting them to flower. Partly sunny for today but they are forecasting more snow to come over Lake Mi in the next couple of days so no sun after today until Sunday. Love the lake in summer not so much in the winter!