I was wondering if I could uproot a couple of cacti to another location? will it be harmful and may cause them to go into shock?
all plants will go into shock when they are uprooted and moved...the degree of it will vary with the individual. what kind of cacti are you looking to move? are they in the ground or in pots? any idea of their ages?
Ill give you the common names. Bristle brush cactus and the other is a peanut cactus. They have been planted in the ground since late april..both plants arent that old.
both should be fine being moved. make sure to get as much of the roots as you can...start wide and go deep. if you could wait until spring, that would be better...if you can't, or don't want to, then get them moved as soon as you can so they can get re-situated before winter dormancy.