I should have titled the forum " a WOULD BE bush-like plant..." I do not know what this plant is let alone how to take care of it. The plant is failing for no apparent reasons. Help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks
The brown tips could be from low humidity (they like humidity) Dry soil or chemicals found in hard water, or over feeding can also cause tip burn. You can try bottled, or rain water if you have hard water. Give it bright light, not direct sun or the leaves can burn and get pretty crunchy. This is one plant that's known for getting leggy from being in insufficient light and as they age and should be pinched back regularly to help keep it more compact and bushy. Soil should be fast draining and kept evenly moist. You don't want the soil to completely dry out. This would be a good plant for a Terrarium with all the added humidity they like. Cuttings root pretty easily, so you can cut a few tip cuttings and start new plants if the old one starts to look a little long in the tooth.
Thanks for the ID. How big could it get? I am guessing around 1-2 ft. I will keep the humidity etc. in mind.