Hi All, My first post here and I am in need of some professional advice. I have a beautiful grapefruit tree in my backyard that we treat very well, over the last few weeks on one of the main limbs i have noticed what appears to be burrowing of some sort? Thought it might be a woodpecker but it is only on this one limb. I am attaching an image, hopefully you all can tell me what is causing the issue so I can remedy it. Thanks for your help! MisterK71
Doesn't look at first glance to be woodpeckers to me -- perhaps one of these citrus diseases. Can you take some closer-up photos of the wounds?
Hi Daniel, Looked at the page you sent me to and it does not seem to be one of those, I could be wrong. I will take some close ups when I get home from work today and post. Really appreciate the help! Jeff
Daniel, Here are some close ups of the wounds. One of the pics shows how they seem to start with just a small hole leaking. Thanks for the help!
Sorry, I don't know (not something we'd encounter locally). If no one pipes up here, another option is to consult your local county extension office.
Hi Daniel, I appreciate you taking a look. Went to a local tree nursery and they confirmed it is a worm burrowing into the wood, the heavy sap running is a good sign as well as the perfect circular holes that the wounds start as. Thanks for the effort, hope this post helps someone in the future. Jeff