I just bought a one-meter burning bush plant from Amsterdam nurseries in Pitt Meadows, BC. I would like to replant in a bigger pot because I don't have a permanent spot for it yet in my garden. Can you please advise me what is the best soil for it and the best fertilizers? Should I add bone meal? What kind of soil does it like? Thanks
You can use any good potting mix to fill the container. If they have something that says it's for outdoor containers then go for that. I like to mix in some extra perlite into everything I pot to lower the weight and hold lots of air in the soil. As for feeding, lots of soils have some food in them already. If not, bonemeal wouldn't be a bad idea, but I would just use some slow release pellets, but I would let the plant settle in first.
Depends on what is in mix already and what is in your water. If using soilless mix assume it will have low nutrient content and be leached by frequent watering. If product does not come with it mixed in already try a slow release pelleted fertilizer.