Hey earth lovers. Where in this city of Vancouver, Richmond, or Burnaby can I go with my pick-up truck and buy a load of bark mulch? I've serched the web and have got no where. Tim
if you are looking for compost mulch, there are a number of places including gardenworks in burnaby and many of the GVRD trasnfer stations. if you are looking for the shredded red bark, its a bit tougher, try calling around to local garden centers to see who may have it in stock for sale (although its kind of '80s), the compost mulch is the current vogue in most places. :D
I used to go into Vancouver Mill Fuels on Byrne Rd, Burnaby. Bring some cash... they will drop a load into your truck. But I'm wondering if they're still there...so much development along Marine Way lately, and I've gone to a Surrey location last few years (much closer for me)...tho nobody seemed as cheap as VMF.
I just bought some from this place: http://www.meadowslandscapesupply.com/ I phoned around and a lot of places had minimum orders, but at this place they'll dump whatever amount into your truck. It's not that much farther than Burnaby.
Outlets still listed under Bark in telephone directories here. But maybe you should consider wood chips (if available) anyway. http://www.puyallup.wsu.edu/~Linda Chalker-Scott/Horticultural Myths_files/Myths/Bark mulch.pdf