
Discussion in 'Maples' started by webwolf, Oct 28, 2004.

  1. webwolf

    webwolf Active Member 10 Years

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    Hi everyone,
    I posted an entry not long ago thinking that spiders attacked my maples. Since than I have been told by some people that it could be bugs or caterpillars.
    I looked up some other websides suggested by the members and came across a picture of a Shaina in a side suggested by "elmore". On that picture I see the same deformation I have with my Shaina.
    To come to my question: How do I protect my plants from bugs and deseases. Is there routine I can follow? I think that it is so sad to see the new growth eaten or deformed in spring.

    I have one more question: Does anyone have any experience in "Anti Stress Sprays"?.
    I believe they are developed for the stress of frost, but are also recommended for extreme heat. Would a disectum or linearilobum benefit of those sprays in hot wheather?
  2. Black spots

    I have black spots on my daisies. I had same condition last year. I sprayed
    Orthenex on the daisies but the plants died. The same thing is happening
    this year and again Orthenex doesn't seem to help. I don't see any bugs,
    worms on plants. The black spots are not on rose plants nearby. Any
    help would be appreciation. Thanks. M.Hill

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