Hi I read all the posts in this thread. I planted 36 Brussels Sprout plants now in March but till now I see nothing but leaves actually we have eaten some. I also planted 36 Collard greens. Why Garden works sells these plants in March if they are not supposed to be planted till end of summer. Bummer what do I do. I have plenty of Kale seedlings do I rip all the Sprouts and Collard (that is bolting already) out? This was a first as we like both but from what I read they seem to have the same aphid problem as the Kale that I simply drench once in a while in soapy water.. I am in north Burnaby with sun exposure from 10am till 2pm only I grow between two houses. 1200sq feet of veggies all the rest is ok most of the time...
Not sure about your bolting problem. That's one thing I never had. I am no help on the Brassica front. Last year I planted no brussels, just kale & collards. These two which had previously been good producers & fairly resistant to my hordes of pests, got affected by cabbage root fly & aphids. Even with spraying insecticidal soap many times during the summer I could not control the aphids. I gave up! I am allowing no Brassica plants on my property for 2 years. After that I may try re-introducing Collards, which were the most resistant, as a trial. I hope you will be more sucessful than I have been.
You aren't even supposed to start the Brussels Sprouts until mid to late May! They are supposed to be transplanted more like late July - early August. I haven't grown them yet, but I have lots of seeds I'm starting tomorrow. West Coast Seeds says start indoors late May to mid June and transplant beginning of August to mid August.
Why do they sell them in March/April in the garden shops :-(. I anyway what to do now they are one foot tall already and in the ground.