Hi everyone. I have 3 Corn Plants. One of them has browning (and drying) on the tips of the leaves, (anywhere from 1/4 of an inch to 1 inch in length). I usually mist twice a day. I water about once a month with distilled water. I purchased these from a nursery two months ago and the other two seem perfectly fine. Any advice on what is happening and how I can prevent this?
See if any of these links help: http://ipm.ncsu.edu/corn/diseases/corn_diseases.html http://ipm.uiuc.edu/diseases/series200/rpd202/index.html http://ohioline.osu.edu/b631/b631_3.html http://ohioline.osu.edu/ac-fact/0020.html
Hello Pickwick, I must admit I saw the title of your post and thought we were talking maize as well, but of course no grows only 3 corn plants, then I noticed the post was in Indoor & Greenhouse Plants. (I am sure Michael, is just playing with you because of the confusing common name of the plant.) Once a month is probably not enough water for your dracaena. They don't want to be wet, but they don't want to be bone dry either. Try watering more frequently, but give smaller amounts. Check each week and give it water if the surface is dry.