'Reeses Cup' aka Galiella rufa These start off almost looking like dark brown studded puffballs........but then open and expand outward.. They're dark brown almost black on the underside...with an almost orangy-tan color to the top. The edge is just slightly 'feathered'.....the actual 'meat' a rubbery texture. Largest found so far has been 2in's/5cm across with the average being about 1in across. I've not detected any odor. These are right now being found in the North East corner of Kansas along the Missouri River Bluffs...mixed wooded area...on dead fallen branches. I brought one branch home to see how they'd do in my shaded garden area with very poor results.
Woooow! Never seen similair. Aleurosiscus genus is similair....but... I............don't know! ;) Nico
That looks like Galiella rufa (formerly Bulgaria rufa) to me. http://www.mushroomexpert.com/galiella_rufa.html Best wishes, Michael
Definately looks like my 'Reeses'! Too bad isnt' edible as I find it ALL over right now! Thanx Michael!