Hi! I have bought a cycad from the Home Depot in June and I thought that it would pretty hardy to Ben planted in a pot outside. In decmember I thought it was going to be fine if I just wrapped a piece of plastic around it. However this winter was unusually cold for Vancouver. And now my cycad is all brown. Is there any way I can save it? Btw I have put it in a smaller pot to bring inside. here are some pics of my cycad
Some cycad species are marginally hardy here, but given the browning, I don't think there are good prospects for this one. Adding to that, potted plants usually have a tougher time with the cold than those in-ground.
Nope, that's dead. Daniel made some good points about why, and add to those the fact that the cold snap we went through was the worst in several years. Even experienced gardeners probably lost a few plants that are hardier than a cycad. If you decide to get another one, please read up on what the plant needs to survive (look the plant up on your phone and google its requirements), or at least ask someone at the store what they think. Even at a big box store like Home Depot there are experienced gardeners who can tell you what will work and what won't.
I'd agree, but have a caveat: If the caudex is still firm, it may recover. It looks small enough a plant that the caudex may not be substantial enough to withstand the cold, but I've had cycads recover after losing all their leaves. This looks like Cycas revoluta, and larger ones will tolerate sustained freezing of two or three days here.
Unfortunately we had two weeks or more of freeze here. I suspect that's too much for this poor little cycad.