I saved a small bromeliade from a garden shop. The plant had no pot and in sad condition. It is full grown now, but has never flowered, and the tips of the leaves are brown. I cut them off. It is not in any bright light.
This may sound slightly crazy, but you might try putting it in your bathroom. Bromeliads (and I'm generalizing wildly) like high humidity environments, and your bathrooom is likely an ideal environment for it - higher humidity and warmer than the rest of the house.
What kind of bromeliad is it? If its a crypthantus species, you plant in a pot because its a terrestial type of bromeliad. Iorax is right, bathroom is the best cause its warm and humid.
The bathroom advice presumes that the bathroom has light. No bromeliad will be happy in a dark room, even if it's a dark room with warm temperatures and high humidity. As Peperomia says, it would be helpful to know what bromeliad we're talking about. There's a possibility that it was turning brown because it had already flowered and was dying. (Many bromeliads flower, then begin to produce offsets while the parent plant dies. Not all of them do this, but I think most of the ones that are commonly sold -- Vriesea, Guzmania, Aechmea, Cryptanthus -- do.)