PLEASE HELP. I have a 5 year old plant, it has a break in the vine. I'm not sure what type of plant it is. I believe it's called a money plant. I got it from my Grandpa's funeral. It has heart shaped leaves, the majority of which are larger than the palm of my hand. Some of the leaves are streaked with a lighter shade of green. The vine itself is rather thick, the width of a kindergarteners pencil. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks, Laura
it sounds like a Pothos .. could this be it ?? .. if it is . you can just cut it were the break is .. take the bottom 2 leaves off (just cut them off at the stem) .. and stick them in water ..they will root and you can plant it back in the same pot or start another plant .. good luck Marn
Pothos is most likely your plant, but if it isn't you could try looking up Philodendron Brazil. Pothos are common and very likely to be found as a funeral plant. I completly agree with the advice given above. I would like to add that the original vine will form a new growing tip and continue to grow.