Hello to all! Well recently found myself hooked on eating broccolini & now wanting grow it! Any ideas as to where seeds can be found? Understand this vegetable can also be found under the name 'Aspiration'. Has anyone had experience growing it? We live 10km south of Duncan on Vancouver Island. Yumm! deborah
If you can't find it offered by retail seed houses perhaps it is not available to them. "The Sakata Seed Corporation, the Japanese company that developed the hybrid in 1993, called it aspiration, invoking the company's hopes while suggesting a relation to asparagus. But in 1995, when Sakata went into partnership with the Mann Packing Company, a large broccoli producer in Salinas, Calif., the vegetable's lineage was revealed as slightly more humble. Aspiration, it turns out, is a cross between broccoli and gai lan, or Chinese broccoli." http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=940CEED9153AF933A25755C0A96E958260 Later I saw this: http://forums2.gardenweb.com/forums/load/cornucop/msg1216415717630.html
Well Debbie you are in luck. I myself have been trying to get my hands on them too. I finally found them. I found them in this years catalog of Gurneys seeds. I ordered 4 packs of them. I hope that I get what they say. If you need the exact address e-mail me @ njlordstanley@aol.com. Thanks, Bob
Hi Debbie, I was looking for the same thing locally without having to order online. No such luck yet. We are just outside of the Cowichan Valley right now as well but are moving more towards Cedar soon. Did you have any luck finding them? I haven't checked out Dinters yet....
You can find them in the Gurneys seed catalog. I am not 100% sure that is what they , but that is what is advertised and that is what it looks like. I ordered and received 4 packs, but did not plant them yet due to my location. Good luck, Bob
There is something similar in Vesey's--Santee sprouting broc and then you can also search for sweet baby broccoli--it tastes almost identical but has a more robust stem and head.I can't find sweet baby in canada but it is available in the states,Forget where
Were they the Atlantis hybrid?Are they going to taste like broccoli or mustard.There are a lot of guy lan hybrids but most taste mustardy.
Hi Deb, Broccolini is actually a registered trade name owned by Mann's. Check the West Coast Seeds catalogue for "Aspabroc baby broccoli". Same thing, yummy stuff! I just ordered 2 packs of seeds from Buckerfields (one of West Coast's distributors)
I agree with brownlee Westcoast seeds is where I've gone. In my past I found they flower quick so just be on top of your harvest. Good luck