Brassia Actinophylla

Discussion in 'Outdoor Tropicals' started by Nath, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Nath

    Nath Active Member

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    Nottingham England
    I have just aquired some seeds of the above plant, although the packet in Spanish says they are called Aralia Shifflera which I guess must be another name for them. Anyhow deos anyone have any experience out there of growing these plants, especially from seed, also are they the kind of plants that I will have to keep in the conservatory or can I put them outside in the British weather, bearing in mind that we hardly ever get a frost anymore, nothing much below -1 anyhow?(Long live Climate Change) Alos how big do they grow as the packet is rather vague on that, it deosnt even say how deep or how far apart to plant them. Anyhow, I liked the picture of the plant so I thought I'd give them a go and those who have responded to my messages in the past will know I have this thing about tropical plants, I'm out to prove that most things can withstand the British climate, especially nowadays before I give up and go home to Mexico where the sun always shines.

    Anyhow I digress, any advice would be most welcome please. I have searched the web, but all I've found so far are sites wanting to sell me more seeds or seedlings, nothing of any use.

  2. Silver surfer

    Silver surfer Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Brassia. Has now changed its name to Schefflera actinophylla. Haven't got this one, but we do grow Schefflera outside in sheltered spots. Think we might lose them if we have winters in the U.K like 20 years ago.This one seems to come from tropical rainforests, so guess it will be one for indoors.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  3. Nath

    Nath Active Member

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    Nottingham England
    I guess I'll just see how the seeds do and play it by ear. I suppose it depends on how large they grow too.

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