Noticed this on my cupressus glabra 'arctic' at 230 am this morning. I thought it might be a 'sport' or branch mutation. Turns out it wasn't. It's actually a Volkswagen jetta driven by a drunk 20 yr old girl who crashed into my front yard, disrobed, urinated in my grass then took a nap. Seriously, I watched her pull her pants down, pee, and then lay down for a nap. The tree was purchased from Stanley and sons as a one gallon plant several years ago. It had reached almost 15 ft. Tall and was starting to look really neat. I'd be more upset if the whole situation wasn't so hilarious. Any ideas on replacement value? I'm gonna call her insurance company.
Well, while part of me is annoyed a fairly obscure plant, cultivated for years, was destroyed, at least no human beings were hurt in the incident. an equally old cedrus atlantica 'compacta' was run over too. i took a bunch of cones from the cypress this fall. And any seedling from it could be an improvement. It has a slightly sparse open habit, even in full sun. To me, only it's green color is novel because all the other cultivars are shades of blue and gray. Supposedly, the 'arctic' name is a reference to bluish new growth, to me a very minor feature. I have done my share of dumb things and "but for the grace of God go I..." Now I get to pick out a new tree and a couple shrubs. I'll have her insurance pay for it. Life goes on. And I have a funny story to share to boot.