I live next to a small municipal park and I get brambles and black currents coming up under my gravel boards on my fence..I can’t dig them out because the root goes down deep the other side of the fence in the park..where there are large mounds of them up against my fence.. so I can’t get at them on the park side to dig them up.. I had an idea..if I cut the end of the bramble or black current plant off exposing the thick main growing stem..would it work if I put that thick main stem into a ltr bottle of resolver weed killer for a few days? My thinking was that it might draw weed killer right through the entire 15 foot plant and kill it at the root? Or is this a flawed idea..any ideas welcome please .
It is worth a try R, but not to be too pessimistic, blackcurrants and brambles are the worst for getting rid of. It might be a yearly project to weaken it for the next three years. But if you can get the roots to draw it up continually, then it might just work. I've not tried anything like that before, so good luck. D
Thanks D..My logic was trying to get the growing stem to take the week killer to the roots..but I don’t know the physiology enough to know whether it’s a flawed idea..my thinking was the leaves must carry goodness to the roots and on that basis….
I think that's a very good principle R, as long as the weed killer is systemic. But what you are dealing with is very, very tough. It might take a little longer than one thinks it will. D
One technique that has been used for Japanese Knotweed is to cut the stem a foot or so above the soil, then drill a hole vertically down into the stem to create a reservoir and use a syringe or pipette or similar to fill the hole with full strength undiluted glysophate (ie. much stronger than the solution used for spraying leaves). I am not recommending this technique just pointing out that it exists and is used on a tougher weed than brambles.