Hi everyone, I bought a braided money tree about 3 weeks ago and I recently noticed that the top of 2 trunks appear to be rotting. The leaves on the plant look very healthy and green so I'm not sure if I should be worried. I have other money trees and I am very careful not to overwater. I give it about a cup of filtered water once or twice a week (depending on the weather and how quickly the soil dries out). I've attached some pictures... I don't want to unbraid the trunks that have started to dry out at the top because they have healthy leaves growing from them... Should I just leave it and hope the trunks will be ok? Thanks!
It is unclear what made the top of the trunk/stem to die, however it would appear that the plant is sending out healthy new growth. Therefore, no worries. The area that has died, though, can be clipped off or left on the plant. The dead pieces will likely break off with time, anyhow.
Bad news! Now three trunks are rotting from the top :( They are all drying out, turning a light brownish colour, and shriveling up! I know you said to exercise restraint but I feel I need to do something or the last 2 trunks will start rotting!
oh, and there are small black dots on the tops of the rotting trunks. I see that some of the leaves are beginning to have black dots on them to...
Sounds like a fungal infection. Your local nursery or garden center will likely have anti-fungals appropriate for houseplants.