The BCLNA reported that a grower has an infection of "Cylindrocladium buxicola" IE: Boxwood Blight. It has also been found to a lesser degree on Sarcococca. Control is difficult. This is going to have an effect on our designs and installations. All the report said was it was on a commercial crop in British Columbia. (too vague) I tried to call for regional confirmation, but no-one was in the BCLNA office at 4pm on a Friday??? It was found months ago in Connecticut. One of my acquaintances has posted pictures at in the Design/Build forum. I put some links there too.
If you think you have this blight, it is recommended that you burn the plant material and sterilize your tools. For more information or to report an outbreak, the Agriculture Canada rep looking after this is David Woodske His e-mail is[/email]