I know I've asked about Bouganvillia before on this forum, but what I want to know is where deos it all start off from? Everyone I speak to always comes back with well you need to take cuttings to prpogate it, OK thats fine to keep on propogating new plants I'm happy with that, but how did it get going in the first place? Everything has a begining. It must create either seeds or suckers or tubers or bulbs or something?? Deos anyone know the answer please as its really starting to bug me that I can't find an answer either in any gardening/horticultural books or on the web?? Nath
A woody vine, grown from seed. The colourful varieties that are commonly grown either originated from seed or began as a 'sport' (ie. variegated varieties). Some of the named varieties are sterile, likely a result of the species cross that created them. Though they began from seed, the resulting plants are unable to complete sexual propagation.
Sorry when I wrote this I was thinking in Spanish not English. I have searched under that too in both languages.
Does that mean that seeds are available for purchase somewhere because I've never been able to find any? I figured that it had to start from seed at some point but all people tell me is you need to take cuttings and nobody could tell me if there were any seed available or not, when I asked at the Garden Centres in Xochimilco en Mexico City where you can find streets and streets of people selling every colour of Bougainvillea under the sun they all said they had never heard of any being grown from seed. Nath
Nobody grows them from seed except those who are looking at creating new varieties. With so many showy varieties available, many sterile, and the ease at growing from cuttings, why bother with the seed route. Hence the difficulty in finding seed.