I have been trying to propogate Bougainvillea from cuttings over the last 2 years with no success at all. I have always used rooting powder and been careful how I watererd but they always eventually dry up and die without producing either roots or new growth. Deos anyone have any advice on how to do this properely and also is this the only way to grow new Bougainvillea plants or do they actually produce seeds ro reproduce. If anyone has any advice, please let me know. Nath
Bougainvillea Anyone know how to propagate these? Got a beautiful red one I'l like more "copies" of. TIA
Re: Bougainvillea air layering is the best , but having a cut could give u a number of new plants . do it in spring butter with the use of rooting hermone
Bougainvillea are really not all that hard to root. Hardwood cuttings set in sand, or softwood cuttings treated with rooting compounds and PLACED UNDER MIST are by far the most common ways of starting this colorful vine. Be sure that everything used is sterile. Also as written above layers and air layers can also be used. - Millet
Okay you got me! What is air layering? I've never heard of it, so how do you do it? How deos it work??
some website about air layering: http://www.dirtdoctor.com/view_question.php?id=1771 http://www.floridagardener.com/misc/airlayering.htm