Bonsai Seeds - Is there such a thing?

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Aussiebob, Oct 20, 2006.

  1. Aussiebob

    Aussiebob Active Member

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    When I've done a search on e-bay for seeds etc....I sometimes get a listing of seeds for a particular plant - that is normally and in general an outdoor plant or tree.....but the e-bay description will refer to the seeds as bonsai seeds.

    If I planted the "bonsai" seeds outdoors etc would I get a little 6" verion of the plant I want or would I get the full sized beast?
  2. Rima

    Rima Active Member

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    Eastern Canada
    There is no such thing as bonsai seeds! And eBay should be the last place you look anyhow because there are lots of great seed co's around, cheap. There are only seeds of any regular species of trees, and bonsai-ing them is a matter of using certain techniques (pruning, watering, wiring) to make them stay very healthy while small.
  3. globalist1789

    globalist1789 Active Member

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    Some very reputable seed sellers do do a lot of business on ebay, the problem is that there are a lot of scammers that prey on people and the misconceptions that there is something mystical about bonsai and "bonsai seeds". "Bonsai seeds" usually refers to seeds of trees and shrubs that are commonly used for bonsai and grow well using the techniques mentioned by Rima. There is NOTHING special about the seeds at all. Japanese Maple seeds from a person selling "bonsai seeds" or from a person just selling JM seeds are exactly the same. I suggest looking for seeds for the SPECIES you want and then compare prices and quantities you want.

    I'm actually expecting "bonsai seeds" for a number of trees to show up in the mail any time from an Ebay seller that has a very good reputation. So far my dealing with him have been good. I live in town with you, and will be getting more seeds than I need. PM me if you are interested in some, I would be happy to share with you.


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