I have this bonsai tree that I kind of neglected to water regularly for a few weeks. I probably watered it about once a week. It's not looking too well and I was just wondering if anyone could give me few tips to nurse it back to health. Thanks.
Hi there, first off I hope your able to save your tree, but it may already be too late. Your tree, is not a tropical indoor tree, and really should only be brought inside for short periods of time. It needs cool temperatures, and a winter rest.
Yes, that plant really should be in dormancy now, which is to say that it should be experiencing temperatures consistently below 40 degrees F. However, with bonsai in shallow pots, you don't really want them to experience a deep freeze, so people try to find some way to moderate the winter temperatures. Some people keep them in a cold frame or an unheated garage (near a window so they get some light), and some people "heel them in" i.e. bury the pot up to the lip in a mound of dirt or straw. I would move the plant outside for the rest of the winter, covering it or perhaps bringing it in during extreme cold periods. Then give it a good pruning in the spring, put it in a sunny spot, and there is a decent chance that it will bounce back.
Hi there, The tree you have is a very common Juniper (can't place a name on it yet) that we have in Southern California. From the photos it appears that you have not watered for a month or more then you began to water - heavily. Not good. From your photos I can see some very strong new growth so the plant appears to need a hair cut. Since you live in Cincinnati placing your tree in a south facing window is perfect for maximizing sunlight absorption. Full sunlight is considered 6 hours or better and that is what this tree needs. This is a Sun loving tree so give it all you can. Don't over-water at this time! Water every 2 - 3 days or perhaps 4 - 5 days depending on how quickly the plant drinks. Just keep an eye on the soil moister. Not too wet a little on the dry side would best. Since it is winter do not let the plant sit in a a bowl of water. Let that tray it's sitting in dry out completely. Your juniper does not require any additional humidity! Sunlight, sunlight, sunlight! This baby eats sunlight like candy.