I found these boletes growing in a clearing of ponderosa and kinnikinnik on a level, south facing slope that gets probably only a few hours of full sun a few days ago. The first one was still in the ground, chewed on by animals...quite large; top as large as my spread out hand. The second (same kind it seems) I cut out and took home. A bit smaller, slimy on top, yellow underside, stout cream coloured stem, slimy on top, Cinnamon coloured spores. No bruising or runny stuff.
Suillus. Have millions of them, in slightly different shapes and caps in shades of brown to yellow to almost white growing in my yard.
Thanks Sundrop but I was hoping for something more specific! :D I've found others too that are much smaller that vary somewhat. Edit: come to think of it, my husband is wondering where is our 'mushroom authority' and I told him I had never heard of such a thing- just clubs that focus on fungi and people in biology departments at the universities. He's from Switzerland and from what he tells me there is an authority in just about every large town and city...I guess foraging is big over there. I'm wondering if these bad boys are edible!
Looks like short-stemmed slippery Jack Suillus brevipes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suillus_brevipes. Very edible.