We have acquired two blueberry bushes from an organic farm: I think they were being dug up to make way for road construction. What sort of location, soil and light do they prefer? Do they need to be close together for cross-pollination? Any information on their care appreciated.
The more sun the more berries, but they will grow in partial sun to even a pretty shady spot (not many berries without sun though). If you only have 2, you can plant them as close as 6-8 ft or as far as you want in a normal yard. They like acid soil, pH around 5. They really like a lot of mulch like pine straw 3 to 6 inches, but they do not like wet feet. Skeet
The soil is often acidic in vancouver and blueberries seem to produce well. I have good results with adding needle trimmings from my pines but other confiers may be OK as well. I believe cedars are not good - other than that I'm not sure. good luck