Can anyone help I have a row of ten or more plants all mature greater than 3m tall but they have never flowered the plants keep growing and are all healthy. They were planted as mature plants 4 years ago when we bought this house Leanne
Australian National Botanic Gardens has a great sheet on Elaeocarpus reticulatus. Nothing about age of flowering though.
thankyou I have all that info and am still really interested to find out when or if they will flower. Leanne
Not that this really helps but if seed grown they can take several years to flower. I have grown from seed the Blue Quandong, Elaeocarpus angustifolia (grandis). They are now 4 years of age but still haven't flowered. The seed took near 12 months to strike and is still now sprouting the odd seedling...after four years of replanting old seed!! I have seen quite small plants of the reticulatus in flower when grown from cutting.
Thankyou RonB but I"m certain that I have seen smaller trees than ours flowering in nursery's unless what I was looking at was incorrectly labled though the foliage was very similar Leanne
We have them in 6" pots both white and pink forms grown from cutting flowering at the grand height of 30cm. If your plants were originally seed grown they will need to reach a mature age before they flower, whereas when grown by cutting from a mature plant they will basically flower straight away.
Timing of flowering of both seedlings and cuttings of plants generally may vary, even within same batch.
yes there is more than just age to consider when there are environmental aspects and also natural variances that occur.