I have problems with ID for these Bloedel Conservatory plants 1.It looks as vine because it is hanging and flowers look so familiar, like small Tibouchina flowers. 2.Amaryllis? There are several of them but with big petal flowers and with leaves. I checked several of these unusual they don't have leaves. 3.Fine leaves prepare to bloom 4. Very small plant, in orchid area so probably from jungle and not from desert
First may be a species of Tibouchina or relation. Second looks like one of the novelty Hippeastrum cultivars that have been in shops in recent years. Third I think is the plant already suggested - this has also appeared on the retail market. Fourth is a Cryptanthus or similar, a type of terrestrial bromeliad.
Thank you to everybody. 2. agreed Hippeastrum 'Chico' http://www.bulbsociety.org/GALLERY_...CS/Hippeastrum/cultivars/H_Chico/H_Chico.html Hippeastrum cybister http://www.shieldsgardens.com/amaryllids/cybister.html looks very the same too 3. Chlorophytum Orchidastrum 'Fireflash' or on one site Chlorophytum Amaniense ‘Fireflash’ 1. I didn't find any images of Tibouchina with so small flowers and it is said bush or tree, anyway I would accept Tibouchina 4. I googled "terrestrial bromeliad". It brings to Pitcairnioideae(terrestrial subfamily of the bromeliads) with over 1000 species in 16 genera, Cryptanthus is Bromelioideae subfamily. Anyway, bromeliad, it is fine Thank you again, very helpful