I noticed that several of the maples have some twigs with black tips (usually 1-3 inches). I assume this is "normal" winter dieback (will try to take pictures this weekend). Is this the type of thing that should cut back to healthy wood ASAP? I am sure that we will have a few more cold snaps left in winter and I wasn't sure I would be doing more harm than good by pruning at this time.
I usually prune off any die back at the same time as other light spring pruning when buds are popping in March-April.
I would wait until pre bud break, the tree is self correcting/healing to winter burn. If you prune now, you will create unnatural healing to the die back tips. it will not jeopardise your plants overall health if you have the urge to clip and purge! Something tells me, this winter has dragged on throughout America... and We avid gardeners want to venture out of doors, and commence our spring tasks. You are not alone...
Thanks for the replies - helpful as usual. Also, I am starting to appreciate why japanese maples are so slow growing. Even though the dieback on some the trees is only a few inches, thats about a years growth on some of the more dwarf varieties!