Black mold on the bottom of my plant pot

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by just learning, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. just learning

    just learning Member

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    I was recently moving some plants around in my apartment and noticed that one of my pots is growing a fuzy looking black mold on the bottom of the planter. I was wondering is this because there is to much moisture in the pot? I'm planning on re-poting it and saw some new pots that require rocks or styro foam to be placed in the planter before the dirt. Would this help? Should I be doing this for all my indoor plants?
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2007
  2. globalist1789

    globalist1789 Active Member

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    If there is moisture between the pot and saucer you're bound to get a bit of mold/mildew. I can't imagine how it could hurt anything so I wouldn’t worry. It is a matter of tradition for many to place a "drainage layer" of rocks or foam peanuts in the bottom of a planter. It isn't really needed and I've read a great article against using a drainage layer.
  3. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Drainage layers become useful when planters are big and wide. I wonder if you are talking about sooty mold fungus growing on honeydew dripping from infested trees or shrubs overhead.
  4. just learning

    just learning Member

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    Thanks for the replies! My plant is big and wide...the tag says its Hawaiian Schefflera (Brassaia Arboricola). There is no saucer on the bottom as there is no hole in the pot. I discoverd the mold on a placemat it was sitting on. Should I be using planters that have a drainage hole with a saucer? I guess that might be the reason for the moisture? I looked up "Sooty Mold Fungus" is that for outdoor plants? mine is indoors and has no mold on the leaves and is not near any other plants. I just looked at it again now and there seems to be tiny little cream almost clear looking bugs under the pot on the mat. Im tossing the mat right now! ew! Any suggestions as to what to do with it now?

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