I have BLACK KNOT FUNGUS on my shubert plum trees. Can anyone suggest a organic spray to control this fungus.
'Schubert' is a chokecherry cultivar and not a plum tree. Anyway, "To control Black Knot you need to prune off the infected branches and dispose of them." http://www.calgary.ca/portal/server...Tree+Pests+and+Diseases/Black+Knot+Fungus.htm
yup, cut it off and dispose (not compost). also if you are pruning try carrying and using a lysol type spray on the tools between trees. May not help much but I dont think it hurts.
The disposal of the infected wood should be by burning or burying the infected wood, and prune past the infected area by at least 6" if not more. I would recommend sterilizing your pruners/pruning saw between cuts to prevent spreading the infection to the newly cut wood. Janet