Ive recently bought a house with a big yard with alot of potential. The former owners were really into having raised gardens everywhere. Unfortunatley the gardens have been neglected for a very long time. Anyways, I started a major clean up off weeds, and are good friend morning glory, and have been running into layers of this black garden mat. Soil then mat more soil then mat and in some places three layers down a layer of black plastic stuff???. I have ripped out massive amounts of the stuff at a heavy cost at the dump. My question is do i leave it in and try to rip out the weeds that all intertrwined or just leave it and put another layer of soil or mat or??? who knows. thanks
do it properly and dig up all that junk!! yes, it'll be a pain to do and time consuming...still, as you can see from the multiple layers, the stuff doesn't get rid of weeds. only thing that does that is staying on top of them and yanking them as needed.