I found this in a nursery in Benaraby in QLD. They called it Anthurium "Crispa". Needless to say that I couldn't find anything with that name. Any ideas anyone? Ed Oha and I counted the "veins" on one side and there was around 26 main ones, if that helps...
Blades, petioles peduncle and spathe are all similar to Anthurium schlechtendalli. Is it? I don't know until the spathe reflexes (turns back) and berries are produced.
Hmmm...interesting. To me the leaves are a lot slimmer. I'll keep an eye out for when the spathe reflexes, as the one on my A schlechtendallii was mainly purple not green, but I'll wait and see what happens. Maybe this plant is just a variable of A schlech... Ed
Remember Ed, A. schlectendalii is a highly variable species. Read this thread: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?p=144172 Natural variation within aroids produces many different leaf shapes.
Yeah you are probably right mate. I guess I was HOPING that it was something different. But a variable is OK by me. I'll wait for clear liquid and try to get berries agin for confirmation. Ed